The Caribbean Meteorological Council meets once per year, usually in a different Member State over a two-day period. Prior to the meeting of the Council, is a two-day meeting of the Board of Governors of the Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH), followed by a one-day meeting of the Heads of National Meteorological Services.
The Board of Governors meeting takes place on day one and two of the five-day period and it discusses all aspects of the operation and plans of the CIMH.
This meeting takes place on the third of the five-day period. The Heads of the Meteorological Services discuss the impacts of the preceding Hurricane or rainy season on their operations and their countries. The Principal of the CIMH provides a report on the training activities of the institution during the preceding year. The Heads hold detailed technical discussions on changes to their operations based on changes implemented by International Organizations.
The meeting of the Council is a meeting of the Ministers under whose portfolio Meteorology falls. The Council considers the detailed reports from the Coordinating Director on the operations of the Headquarters Unit, from the Board of Governors and the Principal of the CIMH. The Council approves all programmes and activities of the Organization, including the budgetary allocations to all organs.
Council sets the policy for the CMO and all its organs. It is the final authority for the conclusion of agreements on behalf of the Organization.