The Caribbean Meteorological Organization is a specialized agency of the Caribbean Community that coordinates the joint scientific and technical activities in weather, climate and water – related sciences in sixteen (16) English-speaking Caribbean countries. It originated from the British Caribbean Meteorological Service, which was founded in 1951. Federalization of the Anglo-Caribbean Countries produced the West Indies Meteorological Service (WIMS), which was founded in 1958.
The supreme body of the Organization, the Caribbean Meteorological Council, which was established in 1962, meets once per year to define policy for the Organization.
In 1963, the Caribbean Meteorological Service (CMS) replaced the WIMS. The CMS established the Caribbean Meteorological Institute (CMI) in 1967 as part of a project in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme.
As weather and climate know no national boundaries, cooperation at a regional and international scale is essential for the development of meteorology and operational hydrology as well as to reap the benefits from their applications. CMO provides the framework for such regional and international cooperation.